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Team Luke Hope For Minds

Who We Are

Our mission is to enrich the lives of children with a brain injury and give hope to their families through support and education.


At the heart of our services is the conviction that the health and well-being of these children can improve over time if families have access to educational materials, therapeutic services, and adaptive equipment for their children. We also believe that families can gain strength by connecting with one other. To provide these crucial services, we need your help. Every dollar makes a difference. With your generous gift, you make it possible to keep hope alive—one precious child at a time.


Hope Beyond the Diagnosis

Did You Know?

1 in 500 school-age children each year receive a head injury severe enough to be hospitalized. (Source: The Center for Head Injury Services)

Every 9 seconds, someone in the U.S. sustains a traumatic brain injury. (Source: Brain Injury Association of America)

Fewer than 1 in 20 people with a traumatic brain injury will receive the rehabilitation they need. (Source: Texas Brain Injury Alliance)

Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of disability and death in children and adolescents in the U.S. (Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention)


"We are so incredibly grateful for Team Luke Hope for Minds! Because of their generous donation, we were able to get Emmett the treatments he needs to jumpstart into a brighter future." Jeremy Grams

Making a meaningful difference in the pediatric brain injury community!

  • States Served


  • 2024 Making Connections Pediatric Brain Injury Conference

    496 Participants

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

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