8th Annual Making Connections Pediatric Brain Injury Conference and Resource Fair
Relive This Magical Weekend!
In 2024, we proudly hosted our 8th Annual Conference, marking our highest attendance yet. Thanks to our generous supporters, we offer travel scholarships that cover essential expenses like flights, gas, hotels, and meals, making it possible for families to attend this life-changing event. At the conference, they connect with one another, engage with medical experts, and most importantly, rediscover hope. Through the power of community, hope, and education, this annual conference has become our most impactful event. For families who could not attend, each presentation has been uploaded to our YouTube and is hosted on our website, impacting thousands of people in the brain injury community.
2024 Making Connections Sponsors
Making a meaningful difference in the pediatric brain injury community!
States Served
2024 Making Connections Pediatric Brain Injury Conference
496 Participants
Luke's legacy lives on daily, even in conversations between a father and daughter that he never met.
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
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